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United States Economy

Security is owning . . . but not in a bubble.

Ask any real estate agent and they will tell you security is owning your own home!!. Ask America’s Generation X and they are likely to tell you something very different. The U.S. Federal Reserve Board’s Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF) for 2010 has reported what could be unprecedented levels of

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Australian Housing

Appetite for housing debt continues to fall

Data released from the Reserve Bank of Australia today, show Australian’s are continuing to shun housing debt despite interest rate cuts. Annual Housing credit growth has hit lows of 5.1 percent in May, continuing its downwards trend. » Financial Aggregates, May 2012 – The Reserve Bank of Australia, 29th June

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Australian Housing

Census debunks housing shortage

The 2011 census has shown the foundations of Australia’s housing boom may not be as concrete as first thought. The property industry has frequently said an acute shortage of homes in Australia will put a floor under Australia’s overpriced housing market. Bloomberg told the world last night, “Australia has almost

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Australian Economy

Housing starts plunge

Housing starts have fallen a seasonally adjusted 12.6 per cent in the March 2012 quarter to just 30,623 starts. This is the lowest number of commencements since 2001 and further evidence not all is well in the housing market. For the year, housing starts have plunged 24.5 percent. Short term

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Australian Economy

The right sort of confidence: Sustainable

Despite Australian’s love affair for residential property, Australia’s housing market might just be losing friends at a faster pace than facebook. The latest loss is the Reserve Bank of Australia after governor Glenn Stevens said on Friday it should not “engineer a return to a housing price boom.” Speaking in

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Australian Housing

Property crash goes mainstream

Fairfax Media, with vested interests in Australian Property Monitors (APM) and the Domain has today published headline articles in both the Sydney Morning Herald and the Melbourne’s Age on-line portals about “diving” house prices. Reporting on house price data for May released today by RP Data-Rismark, Fairfax printed “Home values

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Australian Economy

Melbourne house prices continue to fall

ABC News featured this story on Melbourne’s oversupply of homes this week, reporting on expectations the market will only get worse. Residex estimates there is an oversupply of 14,000 homes and expect prices to fall a further five to ten percent over the next year. Residex CEO John Edwards said

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Australian Housing

What house price crashes really look like : Alan Kohler

A graph prepared by Steve Keen has featured on the Kohler Report (ABC News) last night showing how Australia’s house price correction is tracking with the Japan and USA housing bubbles. Kohler told viewers around the country, “disturbingly, according to this chart it’s the same decline from peak at the

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Australian Economy

Can a rate cut really save the housing market?

While property experts gather around to corroborate stories of a recovering property market, data released today from the Reserve Bank show housing credit rose just 0.4 percent in March to bring the yearly growth rate to 5.3 percent. Housing growth has been stuck firmly at an annual rate of 5.3

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Australian Economy

Transparency returns to foreign investment in Real Estate

Transparency surrounding real estate investment by foreigners has returned with the Foreign Investment Review Board Annual Report 2010-11 showing 9771 real estate investments worth $41.5 billion was approved in 2010-11. In December 2008, the Rudd Government announced a change to legislation, it claimed, was designed to ‘streamline’ some of the

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Australian Economy

What Australian’s are doing to avoid negative equity

“Paying your mortgage down before the bust is the most effective way of avoiding getting into negative equity once housing prices start to fall.” This is the statement Luci Ellis, Head of the RBA’s Financial Stability Department made last week in her address to the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

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Australian Economy

Negative gearing debate continues to simmer

As housing affordability hits crisis point in Sydney, NSW Opposition Leader John Robertson has called for a debate on the effect negative gearing is playing on housing affordability. A report released last week from the McKell Institute showed seventy precent of under 35s can no longer afford to buy a

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Australian Economy

The stage is set

For as long as I care to remember, the Real Estate salesmans’s call to action has been, “It’s never a better time to buy”. But for the 27 percent of the first home buyer cohort who followed this advice the year before last, their homes are worth less than they

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Australian Economy

Real Estate 4 Ransom

Last week, the producers of Real Estate 4 Ran$om posted the 40 minute documentary for public viewing on vimeo. Real Estate 4 Ran$om is about property speculation and its impact on the broader economy. Real Estate 4 Ransom from Real Estate 4 Ransom on Vimeo. » Real Estate 4 Ransom