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ABS House Price Indices

Real House Price Index Update

Last week, figures from the Reserve Bank of Australia showed home loan credit growth was at its lowest level ever recorded, with RBA records dating back to the 1970’s. On Tuesday the ABS released the latest quarterly update to 6416.0, House Price Indexes: Eight Capital Cities, Jun 2011. With extremely

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Australian Economy

Australian House Prices in Recession

The latest update to the RP Data-Rismark Hedonic Home Value Index, released today, show Australian house prices have now been falling for six consecutive months. House prices in June fell 0.2 percent seasonally adjusted. Capital City home prices have now fallen 2.0 percent for the year to June. On Tuesday,

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Australian Economy

World’s consumers plan to cut back on discretionary spend

Last month we wrote about signs that China’s construction bubble could be on the verge of bursting. There were concerns of large and mounting debts held by LGFV (Local Government Finance Vehicles) for empty office towers, residential real estate and other non performing infrastructure investments. Two days after we wrote

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Australian Economy

Rental listings on the rise

It wasn’t that long ago the property lobby was screaming of a shortage of houses. In the last six months we have seen a surge of houses listed for sale, and it now appears these are overflowing onto the rental market forcing landlords to drop rents. Owners, unable to sell

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Is China’s Construction Bubble ready to Burst?

The second bailout of Greece has been in the lime light for the past couple of weeks. While Fitch rating’s Andrew Colquhoun said today that Australian and Korean Banks are the most exposed in Asia to the European debt crisis thanks to our dependence on offshore borrowing, is there another

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Australian Economy

Retailers shed jobs

Property experts make the argument that house prices can’t fall in Australia as we have very low unemployment. But it begs the question if a fall in house prices leads or lags a fall in employment? The Unconventional Economist set out to answer this question last month and found that

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Australian Economy

Debt Bubble Cripples Retail Spending

In a report released by Access Economics today, it expects retail sales to grow by only 1.3 percent this financial year, sounding the worst period for retail spending in two decades. But, on a positive note, it expects a rebound next year. David Rumbensm, a partner with Deloitte Access Economics

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Australian Economy

Clouds show no sign of clearing

Storm clouds overshadowing the Australian Residential Property Market show no signs of abating. The rain has settled in and appears to be here for the medium term. Today’s monthly release from RPdata shows house prices across the country fell a seasonally adjusted 0.3 percent in April. Perth lead the falls

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Australian Economy

Home loans at 10 year lows

Home loan approvals have fallen to 10 year lows in Australia and is set to put further downwards pressure on house prices over the coming year. Approvals for owner occupied housing loans fell 1.5 percent, seasonally adjusted, for the March 2011 quarter. As most buyers require loans to purchase property,

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Australian Economy

Are the Negative Gearer’s really heading for the exits?

Late last month we reported on news of the Gillard Government considering the scaling back of Negative Gearing in Australia. (See Negative Gearing Rort added to Endangered Species List) The Australian has today reported on a couple trying to sell an investment property after the uncertainly brought about from these