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New property related loans down 42.8% in China

According to data from the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) and published by the China Daily, new property related loans including loans provided to property developers and new home buyers fell to 992.3 billion yuan between January and September, down 42.8 percent compared to the same time the year earlier.

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Australian Economy

Is the Eurozone Crisis really over?

A plan announced on Thursday to address the Eurozone debt crisis has bouyed markets around the world. But questions remain if it will go anywhere near fixing the problem. Eurozone leaders have formed an agreement with private banks and insurers to accept a 50 percent loss on Greek’s bonds. Long

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Australian Economy

Prime Minister experiencing rental stress

According to a News Limited article with the headline “HOUSING STRESS: PM struggles to find a rental property”, Prime Minister Julia Gillard is having trouble finding a rental property in a difficult market. The number of rental vacancies around the country continue to increase as cost of living pressures force

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Australian Economy

Median rents going nowhere

In recent weeks we have heard claims from property management companies saying rents are surging and will continue to do so. One company even claimed double digit rises. The only trouble is, these claims are not supported by actual figures from Australian Property Monitors (APM). The median weekly asking rents

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Australian Economy

Australia is different

Highly leveraged property investors are set for their first full night sleep in 8 months after a news article out today from The Age’s Ian Verrender saying a chance of a property crash in Australia is “as rare as hen’s teeth”. Read more on why Australia’s property bubble can’t crash

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Australian Economy

Negative Gearing still on the chopping block agenda

The two day tax forum in Canberra has ended today showing negative gearing is still firmly on the chopping block. In April we reported (Negative Gearing Rort added to Endangered Species List) on discussions the Gillard government had been having on abolishing what is considered Australia’s largest tax concession. Figures